Monday, October 12, 2009


Glazes; a new world of colors and surprises.

When I started with pottery, I have immediately fallen in love with making glazes.

I love to look for recipes, to read the comments and to decide on which glaze to test.

I love to mix the ingredients, I feel like a chemist, but since I am not, I sometimes make mistakes. Till today, my mistakes are not as bad as could be in real chemistry, only changes in colors, or texture.

To the Goodrich Honey Green glaze, I add 10 times cobalt oxide… it became a very nice dark blue, somewhat "inkish".

The original Goodrich Honey Green is a real honey green.

To the Ron Roy's Nutmeg glaze, I added 10 times Rio, it came out silky matte, dark brown, not so bad either…

The original glaze is different than it should be, because I fire up to 1180 Celsius. It is dry, sandy, and beautiful.

Some experiments with black gold slip, under Alisa's Silky White glaze:

and under VC "71" glaze

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I think I am lazy photographer, (not to say lousy), every day I want to take photos of my new works, and every same day I postponed it for another day... so I am way behind with photos.

As a potter, I am not so bad. There are many new pots, and bowls, with new glaze experiments, and some different new clay I have been trying.

The summer is fading away here, and although it is still relatively hot and humid (around 24-29 Celsius), I can smell the autumn's winds coming from the west.

Last Saturday, I took the dogs, and the camera, for a walk. There are so many signs of the late summer outside.


I also did some drawing afterwards...

Actually these bowls were done during the summer, but I put them here next to the photos and drawings of the late summer.

They meant to be one thing, but after firing them, became another thing. I still have to figure out how to keep the slip's line clear and steady even after glazing, and firing.


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